Happy Chinese New Year! We had dumplings again for lunch. There are still more in the freezer. I also got to clean jewelry, which was fun.
Organizing jewelry to be cleaned
Happy Chinese New Year! We had dumplings again for lunch. There are still more in the freezer. I also got to clean jewelry, which was fun.
Organizing jewelry to be cleaned
Chinese New Years eve! We celebrated by having everyone from the gallery come to the apartment and my Chinese roommate taught everyone how to make dumplings and other delicious traditional Chinese food.
I picked out a red piece of jewelry, because red is lucky in Chinese tradition.
I got to paint some boards at the gallery. (before)
Making dumplings!
We made so many!
Someone brought a kind of shuffleboard table. It was quite amusing.
Another pretty relaxed day at the gallery. We did do something exciting though, we went to a soup co-op for dinner. It was interesting. And delicious!
A jeweler brought some rings to drop off. I didn't catch her name, sorry!
This one was my favorite.
Soep, and other delicious (healthy, vegan) food.
People serving themselves food, (Note my roommate also take a picture)
And the food is gone. We all had to wash our own dishes afterwards, which was slightly chaotic.
Didn't do anything too interesting. Ate a lot of cookies and drank a lot of tea and cleaned stuff.
Delicious cookies. In a funky green cookie box.
I made spaghetti for dinner.
I finished knitting some hand warmers!