
Hey friends, remember when I used to make laser cut keychains? I'm not making them any more, but I have a ton of them left and I would like to disperse them into the world. I designed, laser cut, and hand finished all of them. They're all cut out of different hardwoods, about 2x2", and coated with polyurethane so they're water/scratch resistant and super durable. $10/each for these hand-crafted cuties (or buy me a drink/coffee/treat 😻)

You can also find these cuties at Retrofit Home on Capitol Hill!

keychains for sale.jpg

New job/I'm moving!


The past few weeks have been really busy and full of change for me. I have a new job at Seattle Engraving Center, I'm moving my studio into the shop there, and I'm moving myself into a new apartment. These are all really exciting changes and I'm so curious to see what the future will hold.

I'm so sad to be leaving my current studio, which I share with 4 other jewelers, and the building, which I share with a bunch more jewelers and other artists. I feel like I have really flourished and built up my business in this space and I have so many good memories and feelings about it. If you're a jeweler or artist, and interested in joining the studio I'm leaving, let me know!

I'm really happy about this new job. I will be learning engraving, stone setting, laser cutting and engraving, and 3d printing, and I will have access to all sorts of cool tools. This move and new employment will really increase my skill set and give me so many opportunities. I feel so grateful and lucky to be doing exactly what I've dreamed of doing for so long. Huge thank you to everyone who's helped me out along the  way.

Here are some pics of my studio:


New Location


As of last week, I now have a new location that my work will be displayed at! The Art Project on Bainbridge Island. (Formerly known as Bainbridge Arts and Crafts). It's a non-profit gallery full of local arts and crafts. They have a beautiful collection of 2D works, as well as jewelry, furniture, ceramics, glass, sculpture, and other 3D arts and household items. They just remodeled and expanded their gallery space, and it looks gorgeous. I'm so flattered that my work will be a part of their collection. Go check it out!


To see a list of the other locations you can find my work click here