Hey friends, I just got back from a business trip/vacation! I spent a week in Chicago and a week in New York. Both cities were incredible to visit. I had such a great time, saw so much jewelry and art, met new friends, caught up with old friends, ate a ton of delicious vegan food, and relaxed. I feel recharged and excited to be home and get back to work. I feel so inspired by all the art I saw, and have a ton of new ideas. I’d say the vacation was a success in so many ways.
I went to Chicago for the SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths) conference. I went to a bunch of lectures, mostly artists lectures, but also some about running a business, education, students, the future of SNAG, and art in general. I learned so much, and felt re-energized about my role as the SMG (Seattle Metals Guild) Lecture and Workshop Committee chair. I really want to bring new ideas and more diversity to the lecture series we put on every year. In Chicago I went to a lot of jewelry galleries and shows, walk around and did touristy things, and went to the Field Museum. The dance party on the last night was a blast too.