Quarantine Jewelry

It’s been a rough week. Physical I’m fine, but mentally and emotionally I’m struggling. Just thinking about the future of the world and life as I know it. I’m trying to be optimistic and think that this will all be over in a few months, but in reality it’s probably gonna be much longer than that. Even after this all passes, so many people will have lost their jobs and livelyhoods and lives. I’m so fortunate that I’m able to go to my studio and make things, even if I’m not getting a ton of orders right now.

Here are some rainbow moonstones in 14k yellow gold. The stones really sparkle in the sun and have rainbow and blue flashes. A little something to brighten us up right now.


Another day of quarantine, another pair of earrings. Garnets in 14k yellow gold. 


Stay safe out there! And buy my jewelry if you can. These babies aren’t on my shop yet, but I’ll get them up soon.

Low Waste Jewelry Studio

Hey friends,

Being low-waste, energy efficient, and eco-friendly are all things I care about. I know, I know, I make jewelry and it’s one of the most luxury and needless endeavors out there. The best thing I could do is not make jewelry. There is generally a lot of waste involved, and some of it’s pretty bad stuff. I can’t do much in the big picture, but I do what I can in my own ways. Many people want to wear jewelry, but care about the way it’s produced, and want it to be as ethical as possible. I’m going to tell you a few of the ways I try to be environmentally conscious in my studio (and daily life).

Shared Studio

I share my jewelry studio with 5 other people, and I work in a shared building with many other artists and small businesses. This saves on energy, especially heat and light, when we’re there at the same time. We are also able to share tools, ideas, and materials.


I don’t have a car. I commute everywhere by foot, bike, bus, or shared ride. I’m super privileged to be able to do this, but it actually makes my life simpler. I can’t imaging having to parallel park all on capitol hill every day, not to mention paying for parking, insurance, and maintenance.

Buying Recycled Metal

I buy only recycled metal from jewelry suppliers like Rio Grande and Stuller. They make it super easy these days. Gold mining is one of the least eco-friendly methods of getting gold. recycling it from old gold jewelry or gold scrap is so much more efficient and less wasteful.

Using Every Scrap of Metal

I save all my metal scraps. Right now I work mostly in silver, so I have little containers where I store small pieces of silver sheet and wire left over from previous projects. When I’m working on a new piece, and just need a jump ring or a tiny piece of sheet, or an inch of wire, I look in my scrap container first.


I sweep off every surface at least once a day! The dust is full of silver and gold, and is valuable (and bad to breath). I save the dust in a container, because I don’t want to throw out any amount of gold or silver. That would be like throwing away cash. It adds up!

Refining Metal

Once a year or so I send in all my dust, scraps too small to use, and any materials I don’t think I’ll ever use to a metal refinery. I package it up securely, weigh it out, and mail it in. I get a nice check back (or sometimes I just use the trade-in value to buy recycled metal), and I’m not breathing in my dusty air, or putting any valuable metals in landfills.

Disposing of Chemicals

I try not to use anything too hazardous, but the main chemicals I use in my jewelry making are citric acid for jewelry pickle, and liver of sulphur, which is mostly potassium and sulphur. Neither of these chemicals is super toxic, but when I use them with my jewelry, they absorb tiny particles of gold and silver. Again, I don’t want to put them down the drain. I recently learned how to properly dispose of them and how to take super hazardous chemicals to a hazardous waste treatment facility. The more you know!


In addition to recycling metal, I also try to recycle other materials. I reuse glass and plastic containers as many times as I can, I keep notes on scraps of paper pulled out of my recycling bin, I reuse plastic baggies until they’re too holey to use, I rinse out rags and use them forever. I hate buying new things for my studio because I know they won’t look new for long

Buying Second-Hand

I try to buy my tools, equipment, and materials locally as much as possible. I go to gemstone sales at Seattle Center a few times a year. I go to local tool swaps and equipment sales whenever I can. The Danaca Tool Swap is coming up! I trade and buy stones and materials from my friends, and just give stuff away if I’m not using it. The great thing about being in Seattle is that there are so many other jewelers here doing similar things to me who are always happy to share a tool or resource if I ask.

I think that’s all for now. I’m sure there are other things I do that would be considered environmentally friendly, but these are all the conscious things I do that I can think of right now. Let me know what you do to make the world a more beautiful place!

Gold scraps (not my image, but it’s pretty)

Gold scraps (not my image, but it’s pretty)

Happy New Year!

You may already know this about me, but New Years Day is my favorite holiday. I like to spend the day relaxing and planning ahead for the year. I actually usually take a whole week to declutter, organize, clean, and plan. I made a post like this last year, but I’m going to do it again, for my new friends and just to reinforce my process for myself


Instead of New Years resolutions, I like to give myself a word to focus on for the year. It’s not a goal or a mantra or an affirmation. It’s just a word. But words are powerful and hold a lot of meaning for me. 2019 was Satisfied. 2018 was Generous. This year is Nope. It’s a word I’ve been thinking a lot about over the last few months. Especially in the form of consent. It is inherently negative, but for me it’s more about self-definition and staying true to myself. Saying no to opportunities, people, or items that don’t serve me. Simplifying my life and saying yes to things that matter. It’s a little silly, but it’s a good strong word.


Of course, I do set goals for myself and my business. But first, I take some time and think over the last year and write down everything I’ve accomplished, big and small, personal and business. I take this pretty seriously because throughout the year I get stressed out and put a lot of pressure on myself, and tend to forget to celebrate my accomplishments. I go through my calendar for the last year and write down all the important things I did, like travel, getting tattoos, running half marathons, doing art shows, and getting my work into new galleries.

After I write down all my accomplishments, I write down all my goals for the coming year. I get really specific with them, categorize them, and set deadlines for them if applicable. I like to dream big, even if I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve it in the coming year. Last year a wrote “get an electric keyboard” on my goal list, and I did it! I go over my finances for the last year, create a new budget, and set monthly goals for my business.


Two of my favorite things do to are make to-do lists, and then cross things off them. At the beginning of the year I make a week by week to-do list and plan out everything. Blog posts, newsletters, marketing plans, show applications, bills, taxes, budgeting. Everything goes on the list at regular intervals so I (hopefully) never forget to do something important and have to do the last-minute-scramble. I love being able to cross things off, even if they’re easy tasks. I also make daily to-do lists on post-it notes. I write “today” and today’s date on the top, to encourage me to actually get everything done that day.


I love calendaring. I make a very detailed weekly schedule. It includes sleep, exercise, meals, and of course my admin and studio time. I give myself specific admin tasks for each day and write them on my schedule before hand, so I don’t have to sit in front of my computer wondering what I should work on. I like to get the most import things done first. I try to get my computer work done as quick as possible so I can get to my studio and work.

clean up

Before I start any work, I throughly clean my apartment and studio. I go through all my paperwork and supplies, and inventory all my finished pieces. This way, I know where I’m starting from and don’t have any clutter in my way. I got rid of so much stuff over the holidays - clothes, kitchen supplies, jewelry supplies, and even my old bike. It felt good to release things that I was no longer using. I also print out all my goals, lists, and schedules, and tape them to my wall.

I’m so excited to get creative this year. Happy new year!


Holiday shows

Hey friends,

I’ve been super busy with the holiday rush, but I wanted to post the list of my upcoming shows. Starting with one this Sunday. Three of these are one-day pop-ups in Seattle, and one of them is an on-going gallery show. Hope to see you at one of these events in the next few weeks!

Pop Up Holiday Jewelry Show

December 1st 12-5pm

Elsom Cellars

2960 4th Ave South

Seattle, WA 98134


Scream for Queer Art! Holiday Market!

December 12th 6-10pm

Scream Seattle

819 E Thomas St

Seattle WA 98102


Holiday Art Sale

December 15th 1-5pm

Shafer Baillie Mansion

907 14th Ave E,

Seattle WA 98112


Holiday Showcase

Nov 21 - Jan 3

Waterworks Gallery

315 Argyle Ave.

Friday Harbor, WA 98250

