I got home late last night and was too tired to post. Yesterday, everything for show was pretty much set up, so I had to do a lot of cleaning and preparing the little things for the opening. Marie-Jose (the gallery owner), Brian (the Chinese intern), and I went to a store called Makro, basically the Dutch version of Costco, to buy ingredients for the soups that we would make to serve to everyone at the opening. It was quite fun trying to decipher the labels on everything. Also, for the produce, we had to weigh everything and print our own labels, which was highly entertaining for Brian and I. After we returned, we started cooking the soups. Then we ordered Domino's pizza and ate it with Marie-Jose in her apartment.
I found peanut butter!
In the busier streets of downtown Nijmegen, they have these steel poles that go up and down to allow cars to go through, in addition to stop signs.
The bakery I walk past on the way to the gallery
Orange juice machine (sorry it's blurry)
The produce labels at Makro. The other half of that garlic went into the soup.
Appelflappen! (translation: what I'm going to call apple turnovers from now on)
Kinder Suprise jackpot. And they're super cheap!
A gold and lapis lazuli necklace by Etsuko Sonobe. Don't even ask how much this necklace costs because you don't want to know.
...Over 7,600 Euros.
Pizza for dinner