2/4/14 Internship day 23

I helped select jewelry for Marzee's next "Jewelry, the Choice of ___" project. I forget exactly who or where the people are from that will be featured in this project, but it will be very extravagant. Lots of gold. Basically 25 people get to come to the gallery this Sunday and select jewelry from the permanent collection to wear and get photographed in. These photographs and some quotes from the participants will get turned into a book.

Four kinds of cheese for lunch

Four kinds of cheese for lunch

The cases of selections for the project.

The cases of selections for the project.

2/3/14 Germany

I rented a bike at the Nijmegen train station, found a travel store and bought a map, and rode from Nijmegen to Kleve, Germany. It was about 35 miles total (including all my detours and getting lost a few times), and took about 4 hours round trip. I didn't do too much in Kleve, just went to a cafe and bought a pastry, and went to a few stores and bought gloves and knitting needles. After I got back I was exhausted and made pasta.

A cat painted on a wall by the church.

A cat painted on a wall by the church.

A skunk painted on a wall by the church.

A skunk painted on a wall by the church.

Rented a bicycle

Rented a bicycle

Kranenburg looks pretty similar to Nijmegen

Kranenburg looks pretty similar to Nijmegen

At a cafe in Kleve

At a cafe in Kleve



I found the yarn store!

I found the yarn store!

Hmm... just the ears?

Hmm... just the ears?

They're just packs of tissues.

They're just packs of tissues.

Crossing the border to Nederland on the way back. How uneventful.

Crossing the border to Nederland on the way back. How uneventful.

2/2/14 Weekend

It was a lovely day out so I walked around Nijmegen and took pictures of animals.

Nice day

Nice day

St. Stephen's Church

St. Stephen's Church

Kronenburger Park in Nijmegen

Kronenburger Park in Nijmegen

People feeding the ducks

People feeding the ducks

I went to the dollar-store type place. It was awesome.

I went to the dollar-store type place. It was awesome.

And I went to the pet store.

And I went to the pet store.

2/1/14 Internship day 22

I made a light box/photo cabinet table! And went to see the same band as last week, Trikosis, at a different bar. They're the only band in Nijmegen, as far as I can tell.

Photo station

Photo station

Pretty sunset

Pretty sunset

German beer

German beer

