Website Update

So I’m part of a wonderful jewelry networking community group in Seattle. We meet once a month and discuss different topics relevant to designing and selling a jewelry production line. It’s a great group of people and it’s really helped me over the last year. Last week we had a meeting about websites and SEO and Shane and Trenton of Clarity Online came and did a presentation. I feel like I knew some of the info, but they really clarified a lot about certain things you should have on your website and in your shop listings, and certain things you can do to stand out in searches. I would highly recommend checking out their services.

So after that I spent the next 7 hours making a plan of how to optimize my website SEO and clean things up. Then I spent the next 3 days doing everything they suggested. There’s so much to do! And the frustrating thing is that a website is always a work in progress. It will never be “done.” But I’m doing the best I can, and I’m sure that my efforts will pay off.

Here are some updates I’ve completed:

  • Wrote up a “policies” page with all my policies for online sales, custom and repair work, wholesale orders, consignment orders, terms, and privacy. Who knew I needed so many policies? Please go check it out and let me know if you have any suggestions or advice to make it even better

  • Registered with Google’s “My Business.” Yeah I’m not the hugest fan of the google monster, but I do feel like it will help me get noticed locally.

  • Updated all of the listings in my shop to include certain keywords and more accurate information

  • registered a business email address:

  • updated my logo and header

NR logo low res.jpg
NR logo with photo.jpg

Yeah, I’ve been busy. What do you think? How’s your website looking?